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Silvia Sommer-Radke

Lawyer, specialist lawyer for construction and architecture law. Mediator.



Eligible for postulation before all district, regional and higher regional courts in the Federal Republic of Germany.


Studied law at the Universities of Trier and Nancy. Training at the German Embassy in Lomé (Togo). Specialist foreign language training for lawyers in French law. Advanced training to become a specialist lawyer for administrative law.



2008 specialist lawyer for construction and architect law.



Main areas of work:

Building contract law, national and European public procurement law, public building law, administrative law, commercial and environmental criminal law.



working languages:

German English French

Secretary's office

Frau Schumacher, lawyer's clerk
Telefon: +49 (0) 651 - 970 40 31
Telefax: +49 (0) 651 - 970 40 70

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